Innovating | Experimenting | Branding | Monetizing | Learning | Culturizing
Making a successful business can be simple -just focus on your job. And have fun.

About company
What Profitworks does
Profitworks helps companies in building market sensitive brand strategy that supports reaching for strategic goals and modern, culturally focused profitable business.
Profitworks also develops live entertainment business through it's own Event Revenue Management concept. ERM is unique method to increa
About me
Harri Kaasinen, CEO
— Persistent achiever through empowerment of people
I am known from unique strategies, profitable growth, change management, creator of relevant value proposition and special interest in modern marketing tools. My expertise extend from strategies to very practical, hands-on means to ensure people around me are successful. If a company has a challenging situation in urge to fix it, I have strong track record to show I can turn things around into a profitable business, especially in service business, live event sector - with b2b professionals

Unique solutions and additional benefits
Excellent track record and experience in live event business
Distinctive strategy builder and proven implementation of those strategie
Modern sales strategy/ management with a target specific and relevant value proposition
Brand management and market / client (b2b) orientation
Modern marketing -digital, top of the line tools and automation processes
Research and it's commercialization (+ data readiness)
Empowering employee experience through multilayer teamwork